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American court reinforces foreign child support order

Divorces can be emotional for the parties involved, especially children. Courts in Virginia apply the rule of "best interest of the child" to determine most divorce issues related to the child. These issues may include child support, child custody and visitation rights.

Recently, hedge fund millionaire Warren Lichtenstein was slapped with an exorbitant $50,000-a-month child support payment by a Hong Kong Court. The foreign award was enforced by the Manhattan Supreme Court, with an additional $570,110 in interest owed to his child as well. The court further enforced the foreign award in totality, as the lawsuit was initiated in a foreign court and was represented by the father who had adequate legal representation.

Many times a divorce proceeding can be difficult. Such acrimonious and adversarial approaches taken by both parties in divorce proceedings can often be reflected in the legal system. Bitter and estranged spouses may become inadvertently caustic in the child support and child custody cases as well. The problems with the issue of child support may be exacerbated in cases involving unwed parents. Many times, the unmarried father may find himself prejudicially affected in child support cases.

Child support is determined by the legal system based on many determining factors, including a comparison of the income of a non-custodial parent with that of the custodial parent and the lifestyle of the child prior to divorce, among other factors. There is no way to know what exactly will be the most important factor used by a Virginia court in determining the best interests of the child in child support cases.

Source:, "Hedge fund tycoon must keep paying $50G monthly child support: court", Barbara Ross, July 18, 2014

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