Jeffrey A. Vogelman and Associates Family Law, Bankruptcy, Landlord Tenant Law, Personal Injury
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Divorce-related disputes often require professional help

A divorce does not only break hearts but it can break finances, too. Divorcing couples often experience similar feelings such as anger, resentment and frustration. However, residents of Virginia may be aware that no two divorces are alike. A spouse experiencing a divorce needs personal attention as he or she struggles through one of the most difficult phases of life.

The attorneys at Jeffrey A. Vogelman and Associates have more than three decades of experience. They understand that the decision to divorce is the first step toward a brighter future. It may not be easy to visualize a future that is calm and happy but the ground work laid during the period will support the best interests of a divorced spouse and his or her loved ones.

An experienced attorney, like those at our firm, should be able to handle any kind of divorce, including military and high-asset divorces. Only a seasoned attorney will listen closely to the client to understand the client's objectives and concerns. Such an attorney would provide tactical advice that is always in the client's best interest. The attorneys at Jeffrey A. Vogelman and Associates help their clients make straightforward and informed decisions that will help lead the individual out of the darkness of divorce proceedings.

In high asset divorces, in particular, an astute attorney will provide just the amount of support needed, since these kinds of divorces tend to involve complicated property division. The determination of ownership of assets is always a primary concern meaning is a property part of the marriage or a community property or is it solely owned by one spouse? If a couple owns stocks, how should these be divided after a divorce? What about retirement plans or other investment assets? Evaluating a pension plan can be quite difficult, since often some amounts of a pension are not marital property. Here again, the support of an astute attorney is always helpful when addressing complex matters such as these.

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Jeffrey A. Vogelman and Associates
124 South Royal Street
Alexandria, VA 22314

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