Jeffrey A. Vogelman and Associates Family Law, Bankruptcy, Landlord Tenant Law, Personal Injury
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May 2015 Archives

Child support is meant to protect a child's best interest

There are many custodial parents in Alexandria, Virginia, who are child support recipients. Those parents might agree that the money that they receive in the form of monthly child support payments is critical for the upbringing of their child. Therefore, if those payments stop or become irregular, the custodial parent and the child may have to face a number of financial hardships.

Guarding assets when you didn't sign a prenuptial agreement

A prenuptial agreement helps to protect a spouse's personal assets if that spouse chooses to end his or her marriage. However, not all couples in Virginia are in favor of executing a prenuptial agreement. This post will discuss ways to protect personal property without a prenuptial agreement.

A child custody plan should address the needs of military member

Military service is demanding and sometimes compels the service person to prioritize the career over the family life. People across the United States understand the challenges of balancing family life with serving in the military. It can be trying to go through a divorce while serving in the military and it can be even more difficult if various legal issues come up during the divorce process.

When can your prenuptial agreement be declared invalid?

Prenuptial agreements are becoming more and more common between couples. A prenuptial agreement formalizes the understanding between the soon to be married couple regarding which of their assets will be declared marital property. Prenuptial agreements are usually drawn up to prevent the party with more assets from having to part with more of it if the marriage does not work.

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Jeffrey A. Vogelman and Associates
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Alexandria, VA 22314

Phone: 703-836-3400
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