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Advice that can help Virginians get through a divorce

Many Virginian divorcing couples look at a divorce like a military battle that must be won at all cost. It does not matter if the issue is alimony, child custody or property division, many of these Virginians feel that they must win everything. This type of attitude, however, can cause pain and suffering for both parties. So, here are some quick tips that can help get Virginians through a divorce with their sanity intact.

First, it is very important to fight fair in the divorce is proceeding. This means that spouses should never argue or bicker in front of their children because it can hurt and confuse them. This also means not bringing up old wounds to their ex, just to try and feel better.

Another tip is for the parents to always put the children's well being ahead of their own. This can sometimes result in less parenting time for one parent, but if this situation benefits the child, then it should be seriously considered, even adopted.

Emotions can run high during a divorce. It is important to realize that these feelings will be present during the entire process. Both spouses need to understand that these feelings are a natural outgrowth of the divorce process and will fade afterward.

They should try and let go of negative feelings, such as anger, hatred and jealousy. While this can be hard, it can help them forgive themselves so that they can move forward. They should also remember that both parties contributed to the divorce.

The end of a marriage can be a troubling experience for many people. Nonetheless, any Virginia resident who is considering getting a divorce may want to speak with a divorce attorney to get a handle on the kind of issues that need to be settled during the process.

Source:, "How to have a peaceful divorce," accessed on Nov. 15, 2015

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