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The importance of "prenups," especially in high asset divorces

The ultimate commitment for many Americans is marriage. Of course, there are numerous legal and financial benefits to marriage in the United States, but the importance of the ultimate commitment cannot be understated.

There are, however, many times when the well-intentioned decision to marry is no longer in the best interests of one or both spouses. Regardless of the reason, whether a person changes, bad decisions are made or simply that a person's character isn't what a spouse expected, divorces happen. In fact, nearly half of all marriages in the United States end in divorce. This is why it may be in the best interest of a couple on the verge of marriage to at least consider a prenuptial agreement. However, it is important to realize that prenuptial agreements have certain requirements, and failing to follow these requirements may lead to courts voiding an entire agreement.

At our law firm, we understand the importance of prenuptial agreements. We also know the importance of each spouse protecting their rights, assets and property. When considering a prenuptial agreement, it may in both sides' best interest to get more information in order to make certain that a prenuptial agreement has been properly formed and falls within all legal boundaries.

The last thing a couple in love wants to think about is the possibility of the relationship failing. But, it may fail, and protecting yourself is often in your best interests. It may be an awkward conversation or topic to bring up, but divorce can get messy, and it is far easier for all parties involved to have their decisions already written down to minimize the potential messy effects of a divorce.

Post Type: persuasive

Anchor Text: prenuptial agreements

Keywords: Prenuptial agreement, protect assets, entering a marriage

Primary Target URL: /Family-Law/Prenuptial-Agreements.shtml

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