Most people facing financial crises are in a state of panic. Because they are struggling with finances, they often seek the cheapest attorney they can find or try to handle their bankruptcy proceedings on their own. Either of these options can be a mistake, however. There are only a limited number of attorneys who have the experience, knowledge of the Bankruptcy Code and attention to detail that are required to get you the best outcome possible in your bankruptcy proceedings.
At Jeffrey A. Vogelman and Associates, we have more than 30 years of legal experience. Our Alexandria bankruptcy attorneys have an in-depth knowledge of the Bankruptcy Code, the procedures involved and the various exemptions that could help you retain a large percentage of your assets while obtaining the debt relief you need. We will provide you with personalized legal service and walk you through every step of the legal process.
Chapter 7 And Chapter 13 Personal Bankruptcy
The two most common forms of bankruptcy for individual debtors are Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy. We will work with you to determine whether you qualify for Chapter 7 bankruptcy and which form of bankruptcy would be best for your situation.
Bankruptcy And Divorce
In some cases, financial problems, and, in other cases, divorce results in significant financial troubles. At any rate, bankruptcy and divorce are often connected. Rather than working with one attorney for bankruptcy and another for divorce, clients facing both bankruptcy and divorce, including a bankruptcy filed by the other spouse, can work with one firm to consolidate their legal service and receive comprehensive representation that covers both issues.
Legal Representation For Creditors
At Jeffrey A. Vogelman and Associates, we also frequently represent the interests of creditors in bankruptcy cases. Our creditor clients have included banks, lenders, lessors and credit unions.
Contact Jeffrey A. Vogelman And Associates
To schedule a consultation with an experienced Virginia bankruptcy lawyer from Jeffrey A. Vogelman and Associates, call Jeff Vogelman at 703-838-0090 or contact us online.
We are a debt relief agency. We help people file for bankruptcy relief under the Bankruptcy Code.