Jeffrey A. Vogelman and Associates Family Law, Bankruptcy, Landlord Tenant Law, Personal Injury
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November 2015 Archives

Can Virginia parents help their children cope with divorce?

The real tragedy in a Virginia divorce can often be the children, who are sometimes used as pawns by their parents during the process. A Virginia divorce can pull the support structure right out from under a vulnerable child. But, there are methods that parents can use to help their children deal with their divorce.

Advice that can help Virginians get through a divorce

Many Virginian divorcing couples look at a divorce like a military battle that must be won at all cost. It does not matter if the issue is alimony, child custody or property division, many of these Virginians feel that they must win everything. This type of attitude, however, can cause pain and suffering for both parties. So, here are some quick tips that can help get Virginians through a divorce with their sanity intact.

What types of child custody arrangements are in Virginia?

Child custody is one of the most important topics that must be settled during the process of divorce. While most Virginia residents are familiar with the concepts of joint and sole custody, Virginia does also recognize other types of custodial arrangements for children of a divorce. But, what are all the types of custody arrangements that are recognized in Virginia?

Virginia couples should understand asset valuation

When people in Virginia think about divorce, they may think about divorce's practical implications. For example, Virginians may think about the fact that they need to divide their lives in two. A married couple, who used to share everything, will now need to live separate lives. People may also think about the strong emotions that come with divorce, and they may think about conflict or disputes surrounding divorce legal issues.

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Jeffrey A. Vogelman and Associates
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Alexandria, VA 22314

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