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Study: How joint custody benefits kids

There are many kids who spend a majority of the time with the custodial parent, and then visit the other parent on the weekends and on holidays. However, a study shows the benefits that kids experience when they are able to spend equal amounts of time with each parent. A meta-analysis reported in the Journal of Family Psychology found that children of divorce are often better adjusted when parents have shared custody rather than sole-physical custody.

The study showed that children who spent a significant amount of time with both parents on a regular basis were less likely to have emotional and behavioral problems. Furthermore, these children had higher self-esteems and did better in school than those children who spent the majority amount of time with one parent.

It is essential that children have access to both parents, as each parent plays a vital role in a child’s life. While mothers are more nurturing and take care of the children, fathers encourage risk-taking and provide a safe and stable environment for kids to explore. Fathers are generally better disciplinarians. Both parents can help kids with their homework and take them to different activities. The more access children have to both parents, the more opportunities they will have to grow and develop.

Overall, children need the emotional and psychological support of both a mother and a father in order to become properly developed. Kids who have the attention of both will generally do better in school, develop better social networks, have successful careers and stronger marriages. 

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