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What to do when vaccinations cause co-parenting problems

Co-parenting after a Virginia divorce is not always easy. Parents often disagree on the different aspects of raising a child. One area where parents may find a major issue is when it comes to vaccinations. While the majority opinion is that they are good for children and society, some parents may be completely against vaccinating their children. If one parent is an anti-vaccine advocate and the other wants his or her children vaccinated, it can become a major point of contention.

In a divorce situation, the court assigns parental rights. Typically, both parents are given an equal say in how their children are raised. This includes whether they are vaccinated or not. According to NBC News, some parents may disagree over specific vaccines instead of not vaccinating in general. These cases can often be resolved easily through talking with the medical provider and getting more information about the vaccine.

However, if each parent stands firmly on opposite sides of the vaccine debate, it can lead to a court case. In a recent case, as reported by Fox News, a judge decided that a mother who refused to vaccinate her child after being order to do so and going against the wishes of the father, was violating his parental rights. The mother was jailed. The father got temporary custody, and the child was vaccinated.

Not every situation needs to end up in the courtroom. Parents should try to work together to make decisions about their children. It requires compromise and education about issues, such as vaccines.

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