Jeffrey A. Vogelman and Associates Family Law, Bankruptcy, Landlord Tenant Law, Personal Injury
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January 2018 Archives

The many ways divorce can impact your retirement plans

Getting a divorce will change just about everything about your current life. You will likely end up living somewhere different. If you have children, you will have to divide your time with them with your spouse, meaning you won't see them on every holiday. Divorce can also have a profound impact on your financial situation.

What are you risking if you do not have a prenuptial agreement?

You may feel offended or upset at the idea of getting a prenuptial agreement before getting married in Virginia. You are not alone. This type of legal agreement makes many people feel uncomfortable. Some people even believe creating one means a couple is sure their marriage will fail. However, if you want to be smart about your assets that you bring into the marriage, then a prenup is a very good idea. Furthermore, even if you have not drawn up one, you still have one.

How does remarriage affect your child?

As you begin to navigate your life in Virginia after your divorce, you may start to think ahead to getting married again. While you may have found someone you love and want to marry, you cannot forget about your children. Adding someone new to your family will be a huge change. In some cases, it could be equal to the divorce in the impact it has on your kids. You have to take the initiative to ensure the new marriage does not affect your relationship with your children. 

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Jeffrey A. Vogelman and Associates
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Alexandria, VA 22314

Phone: 703-836-3400
Fax: 703-836-3549
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