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Posts tagged "blog"

Parenting apart: The teen years

When you started your co-parenting journey, your child was only a few years old. Now, she's approaching adulthood and you know that there could be issues on the horizon. As a young teen, there are plenty of things she's going through, and that can be hard for mothers or fathers.

The many ways divorce can impact your retirement plans

Getting a divorce will change just about everything about your current life. You will likely end up living somewhere different. If you have children, you will have to divide your time with them with your spouse, meaning you won't see them on every holiday. Divorce can also have a profound impact on your financial situation.

3 ways to divide the Thanksgiving holiday

The Thanksgiving holiday is just around the corner, and with that, it's possible that you're dealing with a dispute about how to handle your custody arrangements. It's difficult for a child to be in two places on the same day, and for your family, Thanksgiving is a day of significance. What can you do to make sure your scheduling works best for you, your ex and your child?

Will your prenup hold up in court?

Before your wedding day, you and your then-fiancé signed a prenuptial agreement. Now that your husband has asked for a divorce, you have been wondering if you will be bound by the contract. Like with many other legal questions, the answer is maybe. For example, did you know that a Virginia court can throw out the prenuptial agreement if certain conditions exist? While it has generally been difficult for a spouse to convince a court that a prenuptial agreement should be void, it has been known to happen.

Should you consider a postnuptial agreement in Virginia?

Most people have heard of prenuptial agreements. These documents outline conditions for the marriage, including how things like asset division and child custody and support will be handled in the case of a divorce. Sometimes, there are clauses that require the marriage to be a certain length for spousal support or infidelity clauses that include a payout to the spouse who has been cheated on.

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Alexandria, VA 22314

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