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Child custody dispute takes ugly turn; mother abducts daughter

One of the greatest concerns of divorced parents in Virginia or any state in the country is who will get the custody of the child. It is one issue that leads to many differences between couples. It is very common for divorcing couples to disagree on the issue of child custody.

In a recent incident, the United States Supreme Court ruled against the immediate return of a child kidnapped by another partner and brought to the United States. According to reports, the father says that his estranged wife abducted their daughter. The court ruled out the possibility of immediate return of their eight-year-old daughter, as he waited too long to make the claim.

This is an ugly case of custodial battle. Both the parents want the daughter to stay with them. The mother has accused the father of being abusive and aggressive. The court will take its own time in making a decision. The court orders will have to be agreed upon by both partners.

The most controversial issue in the child custody dispute is custodial access. Sometimes a parent feels that they do not have enough access to the child. In those circumstances, they may violate the orders of the court. Many cases are reported where the estranged partners even tries to harm or even kill the other partner to gain access to the child.

If someone in Virginia is going through the process of divorce or faces an important decision to be made concerning the custody of the child, that person should understand the legal options available to them. If people are in an abusive situation, there may be ways in keep themselves and their children safe from harm.

Source: Reuters, "U.S. top court rules for mother in child abduction fight," Lawrence Hurley, March 5, 2014

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