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Apollo Nida's advice on prenuptial agreements

Readers from Virginia may have read recent reports relating to American businessman and reality television star Apollo Nida, who admitted to making errors as he entered into his marriage while advising Todd Tucker on prenuptial agreements.

Nida counseled the director during an episode of Kandi Burruss's wedding spin-off show, advising future married couples to be fully involved with all of the details and the decisions while preparing a prenuptial agreement and to not make the same mistakes as him. During a subsequent interview, Nida explained his statement, stating that the couple, Tucker and Burruss, should enter the marriage as equals, even though they have unequal earning power.

He stated that not voicing an opinion while drafting a prenup can be a mistake. Also, since they each have separate businesses, Todd should be actively involved in the prenup. It is also believed that Phaedra Parks, her friend, may have advised Kandi on prenuptial agreements.

As prenuptial agreements are drafted focusing on potential bad times that may follow a marriage, it is advisable that couples plan it properly. Prenuptial agreements control the impact a future divorce may have on inheritance for children, finances and protection rights of the spouses. The couple may add clauses related to child custody, child support, alimony and division of marital property in the prenup.

Both spouses should be actively involved while preparing a prenuptial or a post nuptial agreement. To understand the risks involved in adding or interpreting a clause, guidance of a professional may be beneficial while developing a pre or postnuptial agreement.

Source: Examiner, "Apollo Nida admits it was mistake how he began marriage to Phaedra Parks," Karen de Wilde, June 11, 2014

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