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"Real Housewife" and estranged husband agree on child custody

Reality TV fans in Virginia probably know all about the high- profile divorce between Bethenny Frankel of "Real Housewives" fame and estranged husband, Jason Hoppy. The couple is well known for their appearance on the reality show, where their courtship, engagement, wedding, honeymoon and pregnancy were seen by fans. This reality show ended in 2012, after entertaining its audience for three years and coincidently was the same year Hoppy was informed via a letter that Frankel wanted a divorce.

The divorce proceedings turned ugly quickly with both the spouses hurling bad comments at each other via the press with threats of career ruination caused by divorce and accusations of using their daughter as a prop for business interests. The couple continued to share a home until the reality actress moved out. She claimed that living in the same house as her spouse was a brutal, horrendous, excruciating experience.

Recently, the couple came to agreement on a child custody arrangement for their 4-year-old daughter. This arrangement ended their high-profile child custody dispute which was going on for nearly two years. According to sources, the couple decided to share their parental duties and the father then stated he was excited that this child custody arrangement grants him equal rights to the child.

This agreement ends the long, fractious courtroom dispute between the couple. This decision can hopefully be a benefit to their daughter because the child can now be raised by both parents and develop a relationship with each of them. If couples in Alexandria have endured similar circumstances and are unable to reach a shared-parenting decision regarding child custody, the court may be compelled to make a decision for them that is in the best interests of the child.

Source: NY Daily News, "Bethenny Frankel, estranged husband Jason Hoppy reach custody deal for their daughter," Barbara Ross, Bill Hutchinson, June 4, 2014

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