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Child support is meant to protect a child's best interest

There are many custodial parents in Alexandria, Virginia, who are child support recipients. Those parents might agree that the money that they receive in the form of monthly child support payments is critical for the upbringing of their child. Therefore, if those payments stop or become irregular, the custodial parent and the child may have to face a number of financial hardships.

It is for that reason that Virginia, as is also the case with the other states, offers child support enforcement services. According to existing laws, a custodial parent may approach the state's Department of Social Services if the payments stop or if they are irregular. The DSS will then identify the non-custodial parent, either by itself or through various child support enforcement agencies. Once that non-custodial parent is located, the DSS will collect the child support payments and disburse them to the custodial parent.

While this entire process may look fairly simple, custodial parents often face problems when they actually seek those services. They have to present a variety of documentation, complete several forms and provide a significant amount of information before the DSS or a child support enforcement agency is able to help them. Considering that the process may be complex for many custodial parents, it may be a wise idea to retain an experienced family law attorney.

Jeffrey A. Vogelman & Associates has served the Alexandria, Virginia, area for over three decades, and is experienced in dealing with various types of family law matters. If you wish to learn more about the law, please visit our child support webpage. The information that you find on the page will be helpful and it may enable you to make a decision in your child's best interest.

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