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TV superstar seeks to reduce child support payments

Sometimes, a non-custodial parent who is paying child support may need to seek an agreement modification for the amount of support they are paying. Their life may have gone through significant changes such as a job loss or even getting remarried. However, one Hollywood superstar is seeking a child support modification even though he recently signed an agreement that earned him millions of dollars.

TV actor Charlie Sheen, best known for the hit TV comedy Two and a Half Men, has filed a motion with a California court to reduce the amount of child support he is paying for the two sons of his second marriage. Sheen has filed this motion despite the fact that he recently sold his profit participation rights for Two and a Half Men for nearly $27 million.

In the motion, Sheen claims that his income has changed dramatically since his divorce agreement was finalized from his ex-wife Brooke Mueller. He has been paying a minimum of $55,000 a month to Mueller for the care and support of his two six-year-old sons. Now, the actor says that his income has been reduced from $600,000 a month to only $167,000 a month, due mostly to the sale of his profit participation of his TV show.

One of the provisions of Sheen's divorce from Mueller states that his monthly child support payments could not be less than what he pays to actress Denise Richards for supporting the two daughters they had together. The actor is now trying to get that provision removed. A hearing has been set for next month.

Child support modifications can sometimes become very complex. However, any Virginia resident who needs to file for a modification may want to speak with a child support attorney in order to discover the best solution to this situation.

Source:, "Charlie Sheen wants to reduce child support after $27M payday," March 4, 2016

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