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Co-parenting can make raising children easier after divorce

Deciding to part ways is rarely easy for couples whether in Virginia or in any other state. It is a decision often made after one or both spouses realize their marriage cannot continue. Financial worries along with concern for any children are normal, and many parents worry that the divorce will affect the child's upbringing. They may wonder whether the child can be raised by both parents even though they may have separated and divorced.

Many parents cannot bring themselves to meet an ex-spouse after divorce, even though it may be best for children. For these parents, modern technology offers the option of email or texting. Even with these new avenues of communication, though, both parents should make an effort to keep their communication free of negative comments. Very often, a child may feel closer to one parent, so if the other makes derisive comments about the other, the child can often take the comments personally. Instead, focus on the children. Putting their welfare first can help set aside lingering issues each parent may still be carrying from their divorce.

In fact, co-parenting works best when parents focus on their children while learning to compromise and treat one another with respect. Participating together in various school functions, outside activities such as camping trips and social events such as parties can help reduce animosity toward the other parent and help both parents become active supporters of the child's development and adjustment to life after divorce. Resolving child-custody and child-support issues also can help a couple become more easily involved in their child's life.

The legal issues involved in a divorce along with memories of the end of the marriage can make bonding difficult, so the assistance of a legal professional may be useful to help both parties resolve their issues.

Source: Huffington Post, "The Best Gift Divorced Parents Can Give Their Kids," Amy Arndt, May 27, 2014

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