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Hollywood superstars settle their divorce

Divorce can be difficult for Virginia couples. Even for Hollywood power couples, who typically are involved in a high asset divorce, the end of a marriage can be very involved and take quite a bit of time. This amount of time is because the couple typically has considerable assets that must be properly divided up. Now, it seems that one superstar Hollywood couple has finally put their disagreements behind them and completed the divorce process.

Actress Melanie Griffith and actor Antonio Banderas have finalized their divorce. A judge in Los Angeles completed the judgment just this month, even though Griffith initially filed for divorce in June of 2014. The couple got married in 1997.

The judgment divides up some of the profits they received from several movies, while letting them keep the profits from other films. For example, Banderas will keep the money he made from such movies as The Mask of Zorro (1998), Desperado (1995) and Spy Kids (2001). Griffith will also be able to keep all of the money she earned from the movies she made before she married Banderas. However, the couple will need to divide up the money each of them made between 2004 and 2014.

The couple also agreed to sell their mansion in Los Angeles and split the profits evenly. Griffith will keep the couple's house in Aspen, Colorado, as well as a Picasso painting. Banderas will also pay Griffith $55,000 a month in spousal support.

In a high asset divorce such as this, it is extremely important that all of the marriage assets are divided up equally. Nonetheless, any Virginia resident who is concerned about their assets during the divorce process may want to speak with a high asset divorce attorney to understand how those assets may be divided.

Source: New York Post, "Melanie Griffith and Antonio Banderas' divorce finalized," Dec. 8, 2015

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