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What tips can help ex-spouses co-parent their children?

Many Virginia parents know how difficult it can be to raise children after a divorce. That's because a divorce is usually very emotional and can cause a lot of painful feelings. However, despite these issues, a lot of divorced parents may still want to co-parent their children with their ex. But what are some general guidelines that divorced spouses can use to help them co-parent?

One method that can help divorced spouses co-parent better is to center their attention on their children. This means putting all of their negative feelings about each other aside. Parents should think ahead and strive to do what's best for their kids. Negative feelings about their ex should never be openly talked about with their children. Instead, these feelings should be discussed with a trusted friend or family member.

Another important co-parenting tip is to keep the lines of communication open between the ex spouses, especially when the topic is their children. If one parent has to call the other to discuss a situation about their child, the parent may want to organize their thoughts first and calmly prepare to call their ex. They should try to maintain conflict-free communication.

Since parenting usually involves a lot of decisions, cooperation and compromise are important skills that can help ex-spouses' co-parent better. They should try and raise their children by applying consistent parenting guidelines. If both parents apply the same set of rules and regulations to their children, the kids will have a better understanding of what is expected of them.

Parents who are going through a divorce should always try to put their children's needs first. However, any Virginia resident who is getting a divorce and has children may want to speak with a family law attorney in order to more fully understand the different aspects of the process.

Source:, "Co-parenting tips for divorced parents", Accessed Jan. 11, 2016

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