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What the time of year says about divorce

A recent university study provided some insight into the timing of divorce and periods of the year that couples are most likely to divorce. The study was based on divorce filings in a northwest state and revealed that the months of March and August see a spike in divorces and that the fall and winter months see somewhat of a decline in divorce filings.

According to sociologists who conducted the study, the number of divorce filings coincides with the family calendar of holidays and vacations. Divorcing right before the holidays, for instance, is not common. Periods of time that people are more likely to divorce reveal stresses and periods of time when a divorce may be less disruptive. Researchers noted that it is possible that holidays and family vacations are periods when couples are hopeful about improving their relationship but the holiday period or family vacation may not do that and may, sometimes, do the opposite.

The decision to divorce is a big decision. Once it has been made, the family law process provides a number of resources to help couples with the serious concerns they likely have once they have made the decision to divorce. Couples will likely face concerns surrounding child custody, child support, property division and other common divorce-related concerns. The process is designed to help support the couple in reaching shared agreements and provides different options to help them do that and resources when they are unable to reach settlements together.

Because the divorce process can be complicated, and emotions can run high, the more the divorcing spouses understand about the process the better. Knowing what to expect can help lead to a more positive and amicable outcome concerning all the divorce-related issues the couple must resolve.

Source: CNN, "Study: These are the peak times for divorce," A.J. Willingham, Aug. 24, 2016

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