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Basic steps to take before beginning divorce proceedings

It's very painful when someone comes to the realization that their marriage is over. Emotions can run high and it can be difficult to focus on the practical issues of a divorce. However, focusing on the important tasks at hand is one way to protect oneself during the divorce process itself. In fact, there are even steps people in Virginia can take before they begin the divorce process. So here is a quick look at some of these important tasks.

One of the first steps a spouse should take before filing for a divorce is to understand exactly what their financial situation is. That means having a clear idea of what the two spouses' assets and liabilities are. The spouse considering divorce should put together a complete list of assets including typical items such as the marital home, bank accounts and automobiles. However, it should also include other items such as items that were brought into the marriage, valuable artwork and any pension and retirement plans. A list of liabilities can be assembled by obtaining that individual's credit report.

Another important step to take before filing for divorce is for an individual to establish their own credit. That's because when someone is married the credit that is established is shared between the two spouses. Financial institutions will not give an individual credit just because they had good credit with their spouse. So it's important for that person to secure credit in their own name. Once they have secured the credit, they need to establish good credit by using it responsibly and not running up tremendous debt. Gathering proof of income is another important step to take.

Preparing for the practicalities of divorce ahead of time may save some stress down the road. However, any Virginia resident who is contemplating a divorce may want to speak with a divorce attorney in order to find out about additional steps they may need to take before filing for a divorce.

Source:, "9 things to do before you file for a divorce," Cathy Meyer, April 27, 2015

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